MORE™ Features

In addition to subscribing to the various end products produced with the ratings from MORE (see How Ratings Are Used for a list of these mostly free services), MORE raters receive these additional benefits:

  1. articles sent for rating are from 115 core journals;
  2. articles are "hot off the press," many from prepublication journals, so MORE raters get the best articles fast!;
  3. we send only articles that have passed our criteria for scientific merit (Inclusion Criteria);
  4. we provide raters with scores from other raters for the same articles (Rating History);
  5. we provide participation letters to all raters (Participation Letter);
  6. we provide the highest rated articles first to raters right within the MORE system (Stellar Articles).

Health Information Research Unit, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University, Faculty of Health Sciences
CRL Building, First Floor, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1 CANADA