Overview of the article selection (CAP), rating (MORE™), and dissemination (McMaster PLuS™) processes
1. CAP (Critical Appraisal Process)
Research Associates hand search > 120 journals applying specific Inclusion Criteria to identify high-quality studies that merit clinical attention.
3. McMaster PLuS™ (Premium LiteratUre Service)
Email alerts: Registrants of end products such as EvidenceAlerts, Rehab+, KT+, and OBESITY+ sign up to receive alerts based on their clinical interests. By setting relevance and newsworthiness cut-off scores to a high level (e.g, 6 of 7 for both relevance and newsworthiness) will yield a manageable stream of highly rated articles directly applicable to a clinician's practice.
Searchable database: Registrants of end products can also search the cumulative databases for articles using part of an article title, a keyword, or by discipline relevant to their clinical practice. These services are available to users at no charge.
from at least 3 physicians per discipline are collated and averaged. Articles
with average ratings of Relevance ≥ 4 and
Newsworthiness ≥ 4 for at least one discipline are made available to
end users by two methods:
1. email alerts; 2 searchable database.
Articles that pass Inclusion Criteria have meta data added in CAP (e.g., purpose category, disciplines, patient populations) and are then transferred to MORE.
2. MORE™ (McMaster Online of Rating of Evidence)
Articles transferred to MORE are matched to physician raters with the same clinical disciplines and patient populations. Email requests to rate the article with a direct link into MORE are sent to 4 or more physicians for each discipline assigned to the article. MORE raters rate the article on two 7-point scales: 1. Relevance to their clinical discipline; 2. Newsworthiness (i.e., is this news?).